Valves manufacturers since 1987

Privacy policy customers

We inform you that, in compliance with art. 13 of Regulation (UE) 2016/679 (GDPR 2016/679), the personal data you have given us during commercial relations and/or promotional activities or during relations deriving from the use of our services, or aiming at the presentation of our offers or the formation of contractual relations, will be manually and electronically processed for:

- legal performance connected with civil-law, tax, accounting, etc…

- performance of contractual duties, technical and technical support related to products and services you purchase even after-sales or after guarantee period where provided;

- administrative management of relations.

Please note that we do not have data referred to by the above mentioned Legislative Decree “sensitive”, i.e., data regarding health, membership of trade unions, religious and philosophical beliefs, and membership in political parties. The data will be processed guaranteeing their safety and privacy, even via electronic instruments to store, manage and transmit said data. The data in question are disclosed by our company to our sales, assistance and service distribution networks (distributors, managers, etc…), or for guaranteed service performances, to companies producing goods or to the service company managing the guaranteed service.

Furthermore, please note that the data referred to you can also be disclosed to banks and financial institutions and legal offices, for the management of takings and payments deriving from the enforcement of contracts. Your data can also be disclosed, after inspections, verifications or requests, financial administration and to agencies and organisms which do verification and controls about the regular fulfilment to civil and fiscal obligations.

We do not transfer these data abroad not even in the European Union. Considering the commercial relationships, we will keep and process your data till you communicate the contrary.

We underline the fact that the processing of data according to what stated above, is mandatory and essential for the fulfilment of the obligations of law and your adhesion to using our services and to the regular fulfilment of the contractual engagements, as well as for the correct fulfilment of civil and fiscal obligations provided by current regulations.

Responsible for data processing is:


CSA s.r.l.

Strada San Giuseppe 15 - Località Ponteghiara

43039 Salsomaggiore Terme (PR) Italy


With regard to the above, you are entitled to the rights provided by art. 15-22 del GDPR 2016/679.